Download RASPNet

Main Dataset

The main RASPNet dataset comprises 100 radar scenarios, each consisting of 10,000 clutter realizations, and can be accessed here.

To download RASPNet scenarios, please specify the scenario index, \(i \in \{1,2,\ldots,100\} \), and the range of clutter realizations to extract, \( j \in \{ j_{min},j_{min}+1,\ldots,j_{max}\} \).
A .zip file containing these realizations will be created before downloading.


The EXAMPLES dataset comprises feature-label pairs for five radar scenarios from RASPNet, \( i \in \{29,35,60,62,76 \} \). The code examples for the EXAMPLES dataset can be found here.
Please note that the Full Download option first creates the .zip file containing all feature-label pairs before downloading. To download individual feature-label pairs, please use the EXAMPLES Dataset Link.