Data-Driven Target Localization Using Adaptive Radar Processing and Convolutional Neural Networks


Facilitated by the recent emergence of radio frequency (RF) modeling and simulation tools purposed for adaptive radar processing applications, data-driven approaches to classical problems in radar have rapidly grown in popularity over the past decade. Despite this surge, limited focus has been directed toward the theoretical foundations of these data-driven approaches. In this regard, using adaptive radar processing techniques, we propose a data-driven approach in this work to address the classical problem of radar target localization post adaptive radar detection. To give context to the performance of this data-driven approach, we analyze the asymptotic breakdown signal-to-clutter-plus-noise ratio (SCNR) threshold of the normalized adaptive matched filter (NAMF) test statistic within the context of radar target localization, and augment this analysis by benchmarking our proposed deep learning framework for target location estimation across matched and mismatched settings.